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Foundation Stone

Rudolf Steiner

Please note that I shall be speaking on the Foundation Stone on the 23rd April 2016 for the Saturday Morning talks of the Anthroposophical Society, 10:00 - 12:00, Phyllis Hore room, Kew Library.

Geometry and the Inner Space within the Foundation Stone: The transformative geometry connecting the Fouondation Stone of the Goetheanum buildings, the four Foundation Stone verses, and the Rosicrucian symbol. The presentation will principally focus on the transformation of the double-dodecahedra.

> Anthroposophical Society website

Soul of Man!


Thou livest in the limbs

Which bear thee through the World of Space

Into the Spirit's Ocean Being.


Practice Spirit Recollection

In depths of soul,

Where in the Wielding Will

of World Creating

Thine own I

Comes to being in God's I.

And thou wilt truly live

In Human World Being.



For the Father Spirit

of the Heights holds sway

In Depths of Worlds

Begetting Being:

Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones!

Let there ring out from the Heights

What in the Depths is echoed.



This speaks:

Ex Deo nascimur.



The Spirits of the Elements hear it:

In East, West, North, South -

May human beings hear it.


Soul of Man!


Thou livest in the beat of heart and lung

Which leads thee through the Rhythm of Time

Into the realm of thine own soul's feeling.


Practice Spirit Awareness

In balance of the soul,

Where the Surging Deeds

of the World's Becoming

Thine own I

Unite with the World I.

And thou wilt truly feel

In Human Soul Weaving.



For the Christ Will

in the encircling Round holds sway

In Rhythms of Worlds

Bestowing Grace on the soul:

Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai!

Let there be fired from the East

What in the West is formed.



This speaks:

In Christo morimur.



The Spirits of the Elements hear it:

In East, West, North, South -

May human beings hear it.


Soul of Man!


Thou livest in the resting head

Which from the Grounds of Eternity

Opens to thee the World Thoughts.


Practice Spirit Beholding

In stillness of thought,

Where the Eternal Aims of Gods

World Being's Light

On thine own I bestow

For thy free willing.

And thou wilt truly think

In Human Spirit Foundations.



For the World Thoughts

of the Spirit hold sway

In Beings of Worlds

Beseeching Light:

Archai, Archangeloi, Angeloi!

Let there be prayed from the Depths

What in the Heights will be granted.



This speaks:

Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus.



The Spirits of the Elements hear it:

In East, West, North, South -

May human beings hear it.



At the turning point of time

The Spirit Light of the World

Entered the Stream of Earthly Being.


Darkness of Night had held its sway.

Day-radiant Light streamed into human souls:

Light that gives warmth

To simple Shepherds' Hearts.

Light that enlightens

The wise Heads of Kings.




O Light Divine,

O Sun of Christ,

Warm Thou our hearts,

Enlighten Thou our heads,

That Good may become -

What from our hearts we found

And from our heads direct

With single purpose.









- Rudolf Steiner