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March 2024


newsletter issue #128

Easter Reflections

[…] My Easter reflections on this page are broader, and in some ways more from the heart than from the head, and form a simpler overview of what may really already be obvious (though how many times do we not stop and ponder the 'obvious'!). The story should perhaps begin with a brief recapitulation of the Passover (Pesach), for the two are closely linked: Christ becomes the Passover sacrifical lamb. [...]

> Read the whole entry online




Tarot Course in Vasse

Vasse Tarot Course

Jean-Michel David, Reading the Marseille Tarot

Reading the Marseille Tarot

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Dear --name--

Wishing each and everyone a most blessed Easter...

For those in the Western Australian area, please note that I have a couple of tarot courses coming up: the first over six weeks (in the South West in Vasse); the other as a one day intensive in the Perth/Fremantle area (details to come).

Thank you for the comments I received from last month's Newsletter. I truly appreciate the positive feedback. Of course, not every issue is going to be everyone's cup-o-tea, yet, like a community that benefits from the myriad points of view and rich diverse (yet coherent) views, the range of topics (which can easily be skipped when not your scene) displays part of the wealth our society has nurtured over the centuries.



In case you missed it, Episode 3 of the Podcast 'The Last Wave', hosted by David, features an interview with myself on Paneurhythmy. Though Paneurhtyhmy is best experienced and having a 'sit-and-chat', do have a look if interested.

I will include a future Newsletter on the importancce and significance of this practice - one of the most important (from my perspective) developments that has arisen over the past century.

> The Last Wave podcast

Book purchases

My Reading the Marseille Tarot, the small book-length interview Enrique had with myself, and my booklet on the Place for Philosophy in Teacher Formation are all available directly from Lulu.com:

> https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/tarotstudies/

until next,

Jean-Michel David



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