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Newsletter issue 55 (15th October 2024
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Yallingup Wellness Expo
SUN 27th Oct.





Flourish Wellness

The Gathering Village




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I will be holding a Holistic Spiritual Development Day in Margaret River on Saturday 2nd November, 9:30 - 4:30. Our exploration will focus on spiritual development through meditative practices guided by principles in both Eastern and Western esoteric and philosophical traditions. Participation registration coming next week (feel free to email me if you want to reserve a place). Cost $230 for the day.

Yallingup Wellness Expo - Sunday 27th Octoberyallingup wellness expo

This will be our second Yallingup Wellness expo at Caves House Hotel lawns...

Aside from numerous stalls, products, and therapists from a wide variety of fields, the programme offers yoga session through most of the day, talks and presentations, and various practices including Meditation, Yoga, Paneurhythmy, Healing modalities, Spinal Flow, and Sound Healing, ASEA redox. For details and getting a day pass, head to Kundalini Yoga Southwest - Yallingup Wellness Expo. Entry to the stalls is free, participation in the talks and practices has a nominal fee with proceeds donated to local charities; and practitioners are offering their services often at a special rate.

Day opens with an nexploration and practice of MEDITATION at 8 - 8:45 am (stalls open at 9 am).

As you can see in the left-hand panel, as well as sharing a stall with Katana, I'll be holding the meditation session at 8; followed by Paneurhythmy at 9; and in the afternoon, a presentation on tarot.

The meditation session will offer some insights into not only posture, focus, and breath, as well as some neurological research findings and the importance of the cerebral spinal fluid, vagus nerve, and the pineal and pituitary glands and the 3rd ventrical.

The Paneurhythmy session will provide an opportunity to experience this most remarkable of 'dancing' exercise... though we won't have quite sufficient time for the whole 28 movements.

With regards tarot, do come and bring any question you may have... If I am able to answer it, I will.

'Tarot has been, aside for its divinatory aspects, used for meditation, inspiration, and as a framework for playing and for artistic exploration. Central to all these, and standing in the background, is tarot’s roots towards inner growth and personal development within the wisdom traditions.

We shall explore a brief aspect of this, grounding our discussion in tarot’s historical development and moving into areas of esoteric lore - the specific cards explored will be randomly selected from the major arcana.

Any questions - any questions! - surrounding tarot may be brought, and I will strive, if at all possible, to address these. So come along with an open, and curious, inquisitive interest!'

If you would like to see a small range of videos on which I speak of tarot, head to www.fourhares.com/tarot/video_references.html

My latest TAROT newsletter via my FOURHARES (less-than-monthly) news was sent out last week, focusing on the virtues. if interested and have not done so already, subscribe from: fourhares.com

● You can read it online here: Fourhares Newsletter: fourhares.com/news-email.html

Reading the Marseille Tarot

To obtain my book on tarot, come along to the Wellness Expo or head to:

> www.lulu.com/shop/jean-michel-david/reading-the-marseille-tarot/paperback/product-1ngmrvm.html

Please do pass on this link to those wishing to purchase a copy (or head to Enchanted in Margaret River: !) - [please note that purchasing on Amazon costs you the same, but most of the (small) percentage I would gets to Amazon shareholders instead!]

This week's contribution orchid near Bluff Knoll, Western Australia

 The Future  

Over the past week, I am mindful of the 'We Robot' Tesla convention and their release of a 'friendly' humanoid robot to be commercially available in just over a year's time, as well as the announcement by Albanese of another pledge $100M (in addition to the one the Aus Government pledged to Ukraine) to 'combat' bird flu... bringing the total spent by Australia in vaccines and 'bio-security' to well over $1,100M!

I am simply here reminded of Rudolf Steiner's statement in a lecture he gave around 1910 (prior to WWI):

We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future. We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom. (GA40a according to some sources)



ASEA Redox - talk to us at the Wellness Expo

Try some RENU28 Skin Cellular Health and ASEA drink for cellular health.

> Order directly here

This product, from an independent endeavour that big-pharma tried to buy-out and silence, is worth investigating. Check out publications on Redox on PubMed as to the importance of Redox for health.

If curious, do give it a try. For the ASEA drink, and though some people have had immediate benefits, it is recommended to try it for three months to truly see a difference (drinking one small cup daily, a box of four bottles lasts one month). The gel (Renu28) can be used topically for skin health and as a beauty product.

Do check out our webpage at redoxhealth.au, this American-based report on 'vaccine' injury and recovery.

From Discover Redox - Redox Science

Up to 31% Increase in Gene Expression
In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, 60 participants were divided into three groups, 25 in the active group (ASEA REDOX), 25 in the placebo group (saline placebo), and 10 in the control group (did not drink either ASEA REDOX or placebo). It is important to note that the placebo was the same saline used to create the ASEA REDOX for this study but did not contain ASEA’s patented redox molecules.

(Note: The positive results of ASEA REDOX, over the saline solution that ASEA is made from, should be considered definitive proof, even for the most dedicated skeptic, that ASEA is NOT a bottle of salt water, despite being made from salt and water)

Each participant, except for the control group, drank 4 ounces of ASEA REDOX or placebo twice daily. Participants’ blood was drawn at week zero and at week eight. Results showed a 20 – 31% difference in gene expression abundance in five genes that play a vital role in five human health areas; Immune Function, Inflammatory Response, Cardiovascular Health, Digestive Health and Hormone Modulation. These genes are also involved in dozens of other pathways that also positively impact many other areas of human health.

Up to 60% Increase in NRF2 Activation
NRF2 is one type of transcription factor that regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins that protect against oxidative damage, triggered by injury and inflammation. Results showed that ASEA Redox Supplement induces up to a 60% increase in the nuclear translocation (activation) of the NRF2 transcription factor in the cells.

NRF2 directly and dramatically amplifies the innate ability to produce antioxidant protection by signaling DNA. Activating NRF2 with the ASEA Redox Supplement triggers the production of antioxidant molecules, such as Glutathione, which provide protection against the effects of free radicals, compared to standard antioxidant supplements.

> See also From Vaccine Injury to Vitality: and ASEA Story

ASEA products

Summary of RECENT FINDINGS (independent research by University of Bath and University of Western Sydney):

● The research conducted independently by both universities found that the Nrf2 pathway was significantly impacted by redox signaling molecules.

● Nrf2 is a genetic pathway that plays a vital role in regulating genes that support response and resilience to a range of stressors. These stressors may include fatigue, emotional stress, inflammation, environmental pollution, and even lifestyle factors such as poor diet or sedentary behavior.

● One key finding in the research was that supplementation with redox signaling molecules increased Nrf2 activity by up to 60%. This is significant given the Nrf2 pathway enhances the antioxidant protective system inside our bodies’ cells. (See fig. 7B.)

● Another key finding is that supplementation with redox signaling molecules increased cells’ production of protective proteins like glutathione, which play important roles in promoting overall balance. The research revealed that supplementation with redox signaling molecules increased glutathione production by 40% in healthy cells and that it restored glutathione production in compromised cells even more—by 55%. (See figs. 12A and 12B.)

The White Paper (linked above) includes the following explanation:

Signal transduction by electron transfer, or redox signaling requires an electrophile (a molecule that attracts electrons) reacting with a nucleophile (a molecule that will give up electrons). Redox signaling involves reactions where an electrophile takes electrons away leaving the nucleophile in a more oxidized state (oxidation reaction). In this situation the electrophile is called an oxidant. On the other hand, reductive stress is characterized by an excess of cellular electron donors. When conditions result in ratios where antioxidants exceed pro-oxidants, reductive stress occurs with a consequent excess accumulation of reducing equivalents like reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), for example, surpassing the compensatory activities of regulatory oxidoreductases. In summary, oxidation and reduction by loss or gain of an electron induce changes in structural and functional characteristics of molecules, thus modifying signaling processes.

Redox signaling is part of the normal physiology of all cells, including flow stimulated growth of endothelial cells, and plays a significant role in pathophysiological responses such as occur in ischemia/reperfusion injury, as well.

email: sage@fourhares.com


Gene Ethics [FB]

The Light Newspaper

Craig Hitchens Therapies

Kundalini Yoga SW

Village Learning

Water Analytics

Inner Dance with James


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